
Measures of Central Tendency (Measures of Position) )  مقاييس النزعة المركزية (مقاييس الموضع
1- Introduction
It’s a numerical measures used to measure the data
concentrate position or cluster. In general the data is
tend to be concentrated around a particular values.

Microprocessor AND Microcomputer

The pins of a 8085 microprocessor can be classified into seven 
1.Address bus 
A15 – A8 at pin no. 28 to pin no. 21, it carries the most significant 8-
bits of memory and I/O address. The microprocessor can address 
directly 65536 memory locations or 64k memory locations using 16- 
address lines (A15-A0). Pin no. 28 to pin no. 21 give us the higher 
order 8-bits of the address (A15-A8). 
AD7–AD0 at pin no. 19 to pin no. 12 are used for dual purpose. It is 
time multiplexed lower 8-bit address bus (A7-A0) and 8-bit data bus 

Microprocessor AND Microcomputer

Characteristics of Memory:  
In the broad sense, a microcomputer memory system can be logically 
divided into three groups:  
1) Processor memory  
2) Primary or main memory  
3) Secondary memory  
• Processor memory refers to a set of internal registers. These registers hold 
temporary results when computation is in progress.  
• Primary memory or the main memory is the internal memory to store both 
program and data. The processor can access these memories directly.  

polar coordinate

Polar Coordinates
So far, you have been representing graphs as collections of points on the
rectangular coordinate system. The corresponding equations for these graphs have been
in either rectangular or parametric form. In this section, you will study a coordinate
system called the polar coordinate system.
(a) (b) (c)

Design of hospitals

  • A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized staff and equipment. An institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people.

    Hospital design staff

    • Architect. 

    • Biomedical Engineer. 

    • Doctors.

    Biomedical engineer and Doctors responsible for: Function, Proper Location, Utilities & Operating Conditions of Medical Equipment.