C++ Programming first course
C++ Programming
1 Mohannad Al-Kubaisi
A computer is a useful tool for solving a great variety of problems. To make a
computer do anything (i.e. solve a problem), you have to write a computer
information theory & coding CHAPTER TWO
PROF. DR. MAHMOOD 2018-01-06 20
Chapter Two
1- Channel:
In telecommunications and computer networking, a communication channel
or channel, refers either to a physical transmission medium such as a wire, or to
Syllabus of the information theory & coding
Review of related probability and statistics related topics.
Definition of random variable, definition of Alphabet, definition of
joint probability.
Conditional probabilities and Bayes rule .Independence of two
information theory & coding
Review of related probability and statistics related topics.
Definition of random variable, definition of Alphabet, definition of
joint probability.
Conditional probabilities and Bayes rule .Independence of two
Compilation concepts
Programming languages
Compilation concepts
What is compiler
Model of Compiler
Symbol–Table Management
Error Detection and Reporting
Runtime Errors
A Language- Processing System
Lexical Analyzer
Interaction of Scanner with Parser